Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One month in the States

I know, I know... Its ben FAR too long! Sorry everyone I have just been having an amazing time driving down the west coast of USA and back up the middle to Canada! Winter season finished up on a great note. There was lots of parties, lots of snowboarding and lots of end of season staff activities i.e. slush cup, awards, etc. Bit sad seeing everyone go but several are staying on for Summer so we dont have to say bye yet..
Aaron's parents flew over and met us at our resort where we then drove to Vancouver and then headed down. We made it to LA before saying goodbye to them all. It was VERY fun and I bought WAY too many new clothes and shoes.. Thats a lie.. I didnt buy too many I just ran out of money.. :(
We didnt really get a chance to visit any CrossFit boxes while the folks were here as we were too busy hanging out with them seeing as we hadn't seen them in 7months! We managed to get in several visits though once they left!In order of visits we went to CrossFit Las Vegas, CrossFit Full Strength, East Valley CrossFit, CrossFit Flagstaff, CrossFit USD, CrossFit Invictus and CrossFit Park City. Not too bad but I would have liked to have gone to more.
We completed our Level 1 Certificate Course at CrossFit Flagstaff which was by far the biggest box we have been to. We then went to CrossFit USD at the San Diego University for our Olympic Lifting Cert. It only took us 40mins to find the bloody place on campus but it was very worth it. Mike Burgener is hilarious and such a nice gentle man at the same time. He loved us Aussies!
The Level 1 Cert was mindblowing! We learnt so much and it was all so exciting! We even met Josh Everett!! One of the trainers gave us a lecture on Nutrition and since then Aaron and I have been following the 'Zone' diet. We started just over a week ago and I am already noticing the fat starting to shred off that I accumulated over winter.. YAY! I am eating 10 blocks at the moment but think I will up my block intake in the next couple of weeks and see how that goes. I'm pretty hungry most the time at the moment.
I am looking forward to getting back to Canada and getting into a routine with our food.  Its so hard trying to start the Zone and having to go out to eat most the time as we dont have a microwave, fridge, etc so its a little hard to prepare meals. When we go out EVERY meal is over the 2 blocks that I need. But we bought The Zone by Barry Sears and its given us a better idea on how to use the 'eyeball method' so we can count our blocks by looking at our meal then take the rest in a to go box. A long way to go before we master it and it becomes second nature (cant wait!) but we are on the right track and I am excited!
We are still in Park City at the moment and are making our way back to BC tomorrow. Looking forward to starting work and getting some income again!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

CrossFit Open Workout 1

Fri 19.03.11

- Warm Up -
2rds Official CF Warm Up

Practice Pistol Squats 3x5ea
HSPU - 4

- Strength -
Strict Press 3,3,3+ Load - 20,25,29(7)
Power Snatch 5,5,5,3,3 Load - 20,25,25,30,39(F)

- WOD -
50 Burpess for time
Time: 3:20

I am feeling a lot stronger in my strict press. I wanted more in my AMRAP but am still happy with 7reps at 29kg considering my 1RM was 32.5kg last time I did it.
I thought I would throw in some Power Snatch strength work today as the CrossFit Open workout 1 has been released and include snatches which is not a strong point of mine. I am really looking forward to doing the Olympic Lifting Cert in May to better my lifts and really pin point the small things that can improve my technique and weight. I am also really nervous about doing the CF Opens WOD tomorrow. Hope I go ok!

Mon 21.03.11

- Warm Up -
2rds Official CF Warm Up

Practice Pistol Squats 3x5ea

- Strength -
Deadlift 5,3,1+ Load - 50,60,65(17)
Bench Press 5,3,1+ Load - 30,35,39(11)

Run 3.5km
Time: 14:15

I am SO happy with my deadlift result! I am really looking forward to trying out my new 1RM in a couple weeks!
I am hating the running. It is most certainly not my favourite thing to do. I am looking forward to summer on the mountain where we can go on trail runs instead of running in a boring, concrete floor, cold parkade..

Wed 23.03.11 (CROSSFIT WORKOUT #1)

- Warm Up -
1rd Official CF Warm Up
3x5 Snatches @20kg
3x15 Double Unders

- CrossFit Open WOD 1 -
10min AMRAP of:
30x Double Unders
15x Snatch @25kg
Score: 4rds

This WOD was HARD! The snatches really tired me and I had to drop to 3 sets of 5 in the second round. I was hoping to get at least 5 rounds but am still happy I got through it. Very excited to see what the new WOD is that is being released tonight. See my video here

Sat 26.03.11

- Warm Up -
Worm Crawl

- WOD -
KB Swing @16kg sub butt raises
Time: 6:20

I did this workout at home and Aaron has a 24kg KB which was just too heavy for me. So I did butt raises... laid on my back, put my feet up on a chair and raised my bum off the floor. Way too easy.... wished I had done something else to work me harder but oh well.. lesson learned.

Mon 28.03.11

- Warm Up -
2rds Official CF Warm Up
Worm Crawl

- Strength -
Back Squat 5,3,1+ Load - 45,50,55(11)
Strict Press 5,3,1+ Load - 20,25,30(6)

- WOD -
3rds for time of:
15x DB Thrusters @15kg
20x Toes to bar
30x Squats
20x Push Ups
Time: 14:48

This WOD was pretty tough. My roommate Cat joined me and loved it. She did the WOD in 13:05 but scaled three of the moves.

Tue 29.03.11

- Warm Up -
2rds Official CF Warm Up

- Strength -
Power Clean & Jerk 5,5,5,3,1 Load - 20,25,30,45,50

- WOD -
21,15,9 reps of:
Dumbell swing @16kg
Sit Ups
Time: 6:57

Words getting out about CrossFit so I have a line up of girls at work wanting to do workouts with me. Its great having the girls motivated to come and try something new and having me introduce them to CrossFit. Hannah joined me today and did the WOD in 8:26.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More PR's at Pano Gym and running in the Vibrams

So Aaron and I are loving our new place and being so close to the gym. I am finally getting my arse into gear and getting to the gym more than once a week. I have no excuse now! I just have to jump on the gondola and I am there! Been pretty tired this week from all the work. I have definitely lost a bit of fitness since I have left home. 3months to go until our Iceland adventure so bring it on!

Tue 09.03.11
Pano Gym

- Warm Up -
Worm Crawl
2rds Official CrossFit Warm Up

Double Under Practice

- Strength -
Bench Press 5,5,5+ Load - 25,30,34(17)

I was really sore from the WOD on Monday. My back was really sore from having bad technique in my deadlifts so I only managed to get some bench press in today. Aaron said my grip in bench press was too narrow and I have to work on pointing my elbows out as I was working my triceps by bringing my elbows down next to my body. May be able to pump more reps out next time.. we will see.

Fri 11.03.11
Pano Gym

- Warm Up -
Worm Crawl
2rds Official CrossFit Warm Up

- Strength -
Deadlift 5,5,5+ Load - 45,50,59(12)
Back Squat 3,3,3+ Load - 40,49,54(11)

It wasnt a very clever idea sticking these two exercises together on the same day. I was pretty tired once I got to my back squats so next time will break them up so I have one exercise for the upper and lower body not two. Other than that my technique was much stronger on the deadlifts. My back was still sore from Monday's WOD but getting better.

Mon 14.03.11
Pano Gym

- Warm Up -
Worm Crawl
2rds Official CrossFit Warm Up

Double Under Practice

- Strength -
Deadlift 3,3,3+ Load - 49,55,60(18)
Bench Press 3,3,3+ Load - 29,34,39(8)

- WOD -
5rds for time of:
20x Back Squat @40kg
Handstand walk 20m
Time: 15:42

Felt a lot better yesterday. My back wasnt hurting anymore and I managed 18 reps at 60kg compared to 12 reps at 59kg on Friday (when my back was still sore). I changed my technique for bench press which burnt my pecks! I only managed 8 reps at 39kg which I was a little disappointed by but I can only get better from here.
The WOD was intense! I got it off the CrossFit mainsite from a few days ago. The handstand walks fatigued me very quickly. Aaron struggled a bit with these but progressed so far from when we were practising by the time we finished the WOD. My history with gymnastics definitely helped me with this move but still killed me. My back squat technique needs work as I had Aaron record my first round and I didnt break parrallel once. He mentioned this to me during the WOD and my squats improved but still needs some practise there..

Tue 15.03.11
Horsethief Parkade

- Warm Up -
3km Run
Time: 17:58

Max Double Unders in a row
Score: 56(PR)

- WOD -
3rds for time of:
400m run
50x Double Unders
Time: 10:49

Pretty happy with the PR on double unders in a row. I want to keep practising these to get my endurance in my arms up. They were burning by 40 reps and I just couldnt keep going after 56.
The 3km run was pretty slow. My feet were really hurting by the end of it. Running in vibrams on concrete isnt so fun. I am looking forward to California and doing some beach running. I think this will really help Aaron and I prepare for the trail run in Iceland because it is uneven terrain.
We got the WOD from our home gym CrossFit Darwin. I felt pretty slow in the WOD. Aaron finished in 7:18 so I was quite a fair way behind with 10:49. Hopefully I dont do too bad compared to the results back home which we will find out tomorrow.

Until next time!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

HSPU PR and more Iceland training

Only 5 more weeks left at our ski resort in BC Canada! It has gone so fast! I cant believe we have been away from home for 5months already! I am really looking forward to our road trip through America in April. We are going to be visiting CrossFit boxes in Vancouver, Portland, San Francisco, Las Vegas and heaps more in California! Looking forward to collecting more shirts and meeting new CF enthusiasts.

My training this week has incorporated the Wendler 5,3,1 training. I am working off 1RM that I did back in November 2010 so I think my 1RM will be a bit heavier now but I will find out at the end of the training.

Thu 03.03.11
Pano Gym

- Warm Up -
2rds Official CF warm up

- Strength -
Back Squat 5,5,5+ Load - 39,45,50(20)

HSPU Practice - 5 Full ROM (PR)

- WOD -
21-15-9 reps of:
OHS (50% 1RM) @25kg
Time: 5:51

- Core -
3rds of:
10x K2C
20x Russian Twist @20kg

Starting 5,3,1 Wendler training now that I am only 5mins away from the gym. I could have done better on my back squats but my legs were still achy from  SDHP and OHS from Sunday.

Aaron and I practiced HSPU which was really good, finally getting not 1 Full ROM HSPU but 5!

Jeremy was a killer. The OHS went ok managing to pull out all reps without stopping. But you didnt notice how fatigued you were until you got into burpees and did a belly flop instead of a push up. Woops!

Horsethief Parkade

Run 2.5km
Time: 14:22

Still massively slow in my opinion but getting better. My calves only hurt a little bit in the days that followed where as I used to walk around like I had something stuck up my backside I was in that much pain..! So improvement on that part just need to work on the time! We will be doing a 3km run next week - increasing the distance by 500m every week.

Pano Gym

- Warm Up -
2 rds Official CF Warm Up
5x SP @10kg

- Strength -
Strict Press 5,5,5+ Load - 20,25,29(7)

- WOD -
4rds for time of:
7x Muscle Up sub jumping pull up
15x Deadlift @60kg
30x Walking lunge
Time: 16:50

Today I did my second exercise in my first attempt at the Wendler 5,3,1 training. Strict Press. I had to go heavier than my actual 65%, 75%, 85% because there aren't many weights available at the Pano Gym. It was supposed to be 19, 22, 25 so I am pretty happy that I got 7 reps @29kg. I hope I will be able to smash my 1RM of 32.5kg when I am done.
The WOD killed me.. I had to change the deadlift weight from 60kg to 50kg in round 3 as my form was suffering with a curved back and shoulders drooping forward. So I have a sore back today because of this error. Need to practice my deadlift technique more often. Hopefully my body feels better tomorrow for some 5,3,1 on deadlifts otherwise it will be bench press. Aaron kicked my arse for time. He managed to get just over 9mins and was lifting 100kg. Nice work! Its getting me a little more worried about the Iceland trip but I am getting to the gym more now as we live closer which is great!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Snowboarding, WODs and training for our trip to Iceland

Wow it has nearly been a month! Slack I know.. I have been slack with my blog and with my workouts too. I have been boarding a lot though which has been good as I have been heading out and riding powder which is so exhausting because I am still a learner so am forever digging myself out. I feel like a beached whale that cant move and by the time you finally stand up you fall over again because you have no energy left! Everyone waits for me so by the time I catch up to them they are like "OK lets go!" But I haven't had a rest yet!!!Massive workout! Have been getting out 3-5 times per week for 2-4hours each time so am not feeling as guilty for being slack with my CrossFit workouts. Aaron thinks otherwise..

But recently, Aaron and I have booked a tour with AnywhereFit to go to Iceland in August 2011 for a 10 day hike/tour/workout. We are very excited and have started training for the trail runs that will be included. I have included our first few trainings at the bottom of this post. I am quite nervous about the trip as I am not the greatest long distance runner. I hate running really. I am more of a sprinter.. So we have just over 5 months to change that.. I am also about the workouts that we will be doing. But it will be a great challenge and an amazing experience for Aaron and I to share together.

Tue 1.02.11
Pano Gym

- Warm Up -
Muaythai stretching
Worm Crawl

- Strength -
Squat Clean 1,1,1,1  Load 40,45,50(fail),50(PR)

- WOD -
50x Box Jump @20"
50x Rope Climb sub 25x Jumping Pull UPs
50x KB Swing @16kg sub DB swing
50x Sit Ups
50x HPC @30kg
800m run
50x Back extensions sub Good Morning @BW
Time: 21:00

Thu 3.02.11
Pano Gym

- 50 Pullup Program -
Pull up descents 2,7,5,5,7
2min rest b/w sets

Bench Press 5,3,3,1,1,1,1,2 Load 20,29,35,40,45,50(fail),50(fail),45

A rude shock at how shit I am at pull ups! I was SO tired after doing just descents only. Was really struggling to pull out 7 in a row. My lats killed for about 3 days after!
The only frustrating thing at the Pano Gym is that there are no small weights so it is hard to find your PR when you can only go up in 5kg increments. I am guessing my Bench Press 1RM will be somewhere in between 45 and 50 as I did 2RM @45kg.

Thu 10.02.11
Staff Common Room

- Warm Up -
Shoulder discl w/ PVC
Worm Crawl

- WOD -
6x HSPU sub right angle PU
12x K2E sub K2C
24x Burpees sub incline PU
48x Sit ups
96x Squats
48x Sit ups
24x Burpees sub incline PU
12x K2E sub K2C
6x HSPU sub right angle PU
Time: 10:24

Was pretty frustrated for this WOD. I had a snowboarding accident and hurt my shoulder. I think I suffered a concusion and had been suffering a stiff neck and migraines for several days so my head thumped constantly and I was doped up on Tylenol all the time.. Not fun..

Wed 17.02.11
Staff Common Room

- WOD -
Time: 9:01

Plus 2min onto my PR time. Pretty disappointed with that. Still recovering from snowboard fall. My muscles in my neck really hurt doing the sit ups and my rope kept getting caught on my trackpants which was VERY frustrating. Last time I wear them doing double unders!

Wed 23.02.11
Horsethief Parkade

- Warm Up -
500m run

- WOD -
20min AMRAP of:
1x 30m hill sprint (jog down - total of 60m)
2x 7m Bear Crawl
Score: 16rds+1 sprint+2 Bear Crawl+1HSPU

Pretty happy with this result. The cold really bites at your lungs though so it is hard to keep up the intensity with the burn and coughs. Enjoying our new workout spot though.. Heated carpark!
Aaron did beam scaling instead of bear crawls but I couldnt hold myself up. Way too much work on the forearms so that was a little annoying.

Thu 24.02.11
Horsethief Parkade

2km run
Time: 11:18

Max Double Unders in 2mins - 102(PR)

Starting to train for our AnywhereFit Iceland tour in August. First day we are doing a 23km trail run! We are starting out with low distances and gradually working our way up because we plan on doing it all on our Vibram FiveFingers so will be a killer on the calves. We took it at an easy pace for the 2km run. I hope to get around the 8-9min mark by June. We plan on doing a lot of beach running in California so that will hopefully strengthen our cardio as well with the uneven terrain.

Sun 27.02.11
Pano Gym

- Warm Up -
Shoulder disl w/ rope
Worm Crawl
OHS 5,5,5,5 Load 20,20,20,30
SDHP 5,5,5,5 Load 20,20,20,30

- WOD -
21,15,9 reps of:
SDHP @30kg
OHS @30kg
Time: 8:13

Pretty hard WOD off the CrossFit mainsite. I tired really quickly from the OHS, they definitely need work. I had an oly bar malfunction in my first set of SDHP where the spinning bit at the end of the bar that holds the weight spun off and made the bar uneven so I had to screw that back on.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A new look and our visit to CrossFit Canmore

So I have decided to change my blog around a little bit as we have decided it is too expensive to upkeep the paleo way of eating considering I am only earning $25 a week.. That doesn't get me very far with grass-fed organic meats.
We are trying to have as many paleo meals as posible but are having some rice and pasta dishes as it is more friendly on the budget. We aren't buying grass-fed meats either =( But are trying to buy the leanest possible meats we can find for a reasonable price.

This decision was made a bit over a week ago. It is amazing the changes I am noticing already. My skin is disgusting again, it is taking me forever to get to sleep again and I am not jumping out of bed in the morning anymore... just hitting the snooze button a lot. I also notice how much grains I used to eat before paleo and it grosses me out! Its made me very sad to have to go back from such a healthy way of life. But it is only temporary until we get home and start earning a better income. Anything is better than $25!!!

So my meals are consisting of mainly sandwiches for lunch, scrambled eggs for breakfast or a homemade fruit/egg/kale smoothie, and dinner has been an assortment of dishes from spaghetti bolognese, tomato and onion tuna pasta, chicken & veggies and salad..

I have been a bit slack with my posts for the past couple weeks trying to figure out what I am going to do with it so I have missed updating you on a few workouts I have done (not many which is also depressing me.. I miss my CrossFit Darwin gym! Can you tell I am a little home sick?)

Mon 17.01.11
Pano Gym

-Warm Up-
Max Double Unders in 2mins
79 reps! New PR yay!

Push Press 5,5,5,5,5 Load 25,29,34,40,45(fail)

scaled to 15-9-6
Time: 16:20

I was pretty disappointed with my time for Elizabeth. I was just getting over a tummy bug and thought I was good until I started and felt like throwing up. So I scaled the reps to compensate. Still took me forever..

Wed 19.01.11
Pano Gym

-WOD -
"1/2 Nutts"
Pull Ups sub Jumping Pull Ups
Wall Balls sub Thruster @ 9kg
Deadlift @70kg sub 60kg
Time: 14:16

The pull up station at the Pano gym is free standing so it falls over if you attempt to do kipping pull ups so jumping pull ups it was! I felt pretty pumped after this WOD so will probably do it RX'd next time (when I have all the right equipment) It will be my first RX'd hero WOD if I do!

Wed 26.01.11
CrossFit Canmore

-Warm Up-
DROM back stretch
Shoulder disl w/PVC
Worm Crawl
Samson Stretch

3rds for time of:
10x DL @ 80kg (55kg)
50x Double Unders
Time: 4:50

Back Squat 5,5,5+ Load 35,40,45(30)

Aaron and I went on a road trip to Banff and we found a CrossFit affiliate in a nearby town (Canmore about 20mins drive) It was great getting to a CrossFit gym and having everything there. Aaron didn't want to leave. Greg (owner) was great and really welcoming. We will definitely be heading back there again. We picked up a CrossFit Canmore shirt and WOD book each so that's pretty exciting. Can't wait to head into America and visit all the other CrossFit affiliates!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tummy Tantrums & Roasted Veggie Lasagna

My cookie consumption plus a few extra naughties wound me up in bed for the past few days with vomiting and other unwelcomed movements..

I managed to whip up a Roasted Vegetable Lasagna though! I got this of Jen's Gone Paleo. I probably won't make it again as it took forever to prep and cook! And I would prefer a meaty lasagna.. still a delicious dish just a pain in the butt if you dont have a tray big enough to roast everything in and a casserolle dish big enough to make your lasagna!

  • 2 zucchini, sliced lengthwise
  • 1 large eggplant, sliced lengthwise
  • 1 red capsicum, quartered and seeded
  • 12 asparagus spears
  • 10 thyme sprigs
  • 1 tblsp rosemary
  • 2 tblsp Olive Oil
  • Sea Salt and Pepper to taste

  • 1 small onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tblsp olive oil
  • 1 tblsp tomato paste
  • 1/2 tblsp oregano
  • Pinch of red pepper flakes (I used a tsp Cayenne Pepper - will probably use less next time)
  • 14oz can of whole tomatoes

  • Preheat oven to 204C/400F
  • Slice vegetables
  • Brush with oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper, rosemary and thyme sprigs
  • Roast zucchini, eggplant and capsicum for 20-25mins, until soft and slightly caramelised
  • Remove zucchini and eggplant and set aside (I recommend putting a baking sheet under your veggies as mine stuck to the tray...)
  • Add asparagus to pan and continue to roast with capsicum for 10mins
  • While the veggies are roasting make the sauce
  • Cook onions and garlic, in oil, over medium-high heat for 5mins
  • Add red pepper flakes and oregano
  • Stir to coat and saute for another 2-3mins
  • Add tomato paste and stir to coat
  • Add canned tomatoes and stir well
  • Simmer on low for 15-20mins
  • Once your vegetables are roasted and your sauce is ready, begin the layering process
  • In a 9"x7" baking dish, add a thin layer of sauce and 3/4 roasted zucchini

  • Add 3/4 eggplant
  • Spread half of remaining sauce, the remaining zucchini and eggplant, all asparagus (I cut mine into bite-sized pieces) and capsicum (thinly sliced after roasting)

  • Finish layering with remaining sauce and sprinkle with fresh basil (optional)
  • Cover baking dish with lid or aluminium foil
  • Bake at 375F/190C for 30mins
  • Uncover and cook for another 30mins
  • Let lasagna rest for 15mins before cutting

We made a few dishes with this lasagna and I was glad it lasted a few days. Aaron ate it for tea with a mate and they added some chicken. We also ate it for breakfast with some eggs. And I ate it the following night with some leftover spaghetti squash (YUM!)

I haven't done any WODs for a week (I feel so slack!) but want to give my body a chance to recover. I am feeling pretty good today. Food is staying in, no stomach cramps and the bloating has gone yay! Plan on going to the gym with Aaron this afternoon to do a CrossFit Darwin WOD. Dont know what one yet but most definitely one with the oly bar :)
We had pizza two nights ago though and left overs with some eggplant parmigiana last night and I had more bloating and a massive headache that kept waking me up. I have also been having trouble sleeping the past few nights which I am wondering if its due to my poor eating or illness.. probably both.. AND to add to that I got two big ass blind pimples yesterday which I havent had since I started paleo. Grains and dairy and sugar are the devil!

So for all of you who are tempted to reach for that cookie, pizza slice, protein bar!... its not worth whats around the corner! Trust me!

Eat Healthy, Feel Healthy, Live Healthy =)