Monday, January 31, 2011

A new look and our visit to CrossFit Canmore

So I have decided to change my blog around a little bit as we have decided it is too expensive to upkeep the paleo way of eating considering I am only earning $25 a week.. That doesn't get me very far with grass-fed organic meats.
We are trying to have as many paleo meals as posible but are having some rice and pasta dishes as it is more friendly on the budget. We aren't buying grass-fed meats either =( But are trying to buy the leanest possible meats we can find for a reasonable price.

This decision was made a bit over a week ago. It is amazing the changes I am noticing already. My skin is disgusting again, it is taking me forever to get to sleep again and I am not jumping out of bed in the morning anymore... just hitting the snooze button a lot. I also notice how much grains I used to eat before paleo and it grosses me out! Its made me very sad to have to go back from such a healthy way of life. But it is only temporary until we get home and start earning a better income. Anything is better than $25!!!

So my meals are consisting of mainly sandwiches for lunch, scrambled eggs for breakfast or a homemade fruit/egg/kale smoothie, and dinner has been an assortment of dishes from spaghetti bolognese, tomato and onion tuna pasta, chicken & veggies and salad..

I have been a bit slack with my posts for the past couple weeks trying to figure out what I am going to do with it so I have missed updating you on a few workouts I have done (not many which is also depressing me.. I miss my CrossFit Darwin gym! Can you tell I am a little home sick?)

Mon 17.01.11
Pano Gym

-Warm Up-
Max Double Unders in 2mins
79 reps! New PR yay!

Push Press 5,5,5,5,5 Load 25,29,34,40,45(fail)

scaled to 15-9-6
Time: 16:20

I was pretty disappointed with my time for Elizabeth. I was just getting over a tummy bug and thought I was good until I started and felt like throwing up. So I scaled the reps to compensate. Still took me forever..

Wed 19.01.11
Pano Gym

-WOD -
"1/2 Nutts"
Pull Ups sub Jumping Pull Ups
Wall Balls sub Thruster @ 9kg
Deadlift @70kg sub 60kg
Time: 14:16

The pull up station at the Pano gym is free standing so it falls over if you attempt to do kipping pull ups so jumping pull ups it was! I felt pretty pumped after this WOD so will probably do it RX'd next time (when I have all the right equipment) It will be my first RX'd hero WOD if I do!

Wed 26.01.11
CrossFit Canmore

-Warm Up-
DROM back stretch
Shoulder disl w/PVC
Worm Crawl
Samson Stretch

3rds for time of:
10x DL @ 80kg (55kg)
50x Double Unders
Time: 4:50

Back Squat 5,5,5+ Load 35,40,45(30)

Aaron and I went on a road trip to Banff and we found a CrossFit affiliate in a nearby town (Canmore about 20mins drive) It was great getting to a CrossFit gym and having everything there. Aaron didn't want to leave. Greg (owner) was great and really welcoming. We will definitely be heading back there again. We picked up a CrossFit Canmore shirt and WOD book each so that's pretty exciting. Can't wait to head into America and visit all the other CrossFit affiliates!

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