Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Me + Whole30 = FAIL!

Today would have been Day 8 of my Whole30 Challenge but I would like to share with you my disappointment in myself as I made the ‘choice’ to have a cookie yesterday..
I was SO ashamed of myself as I only lasted 7 days and could not even go 30 days without resisting my insane sugar addiction (I used to have 3 bars per day) I regretted it instantly but still, fatty boomba me still ate the rest. I felt nauseous afterwards and had some serious bloating which I am guessing was my gut reacting to the nasties.. (flour?) I was miserable for the rest of the day and evening and had no motivation to cook. Luckily I had cooked bolognese yesterday so I just had to whip up some spaghetti squash and all was done.

Today is my Day 1 and I will use my Day 7 emotions and physical feelings, after I consumed the cookie, to remind me and encourage me to stay on the Whole30 banwagon.
My learning experience from this is I have to better prepare easy-to-eat Whole30 approved snacks for work as I do not get much of a chance to sit and eat a meal being a waitress. And to avoid the easy snack options such as cookies… I will be taking nuts, fruits, boiled eggs and veggies with me from now on, instead of just two pieces of fruit and some nuts.

To start the day fresh I had a nice big omelette which I probably should have put in the oven and made a zucchini fritta it was so huge and thick. But still delicious in the fry pan. It had three eggs, half a grated zucchini, 2 sliced mushrooms, 1/4 sliced capsicum, a handful of chopped kale leaves, 1/4 avocado and salt and pepper to taste. Told you it was jam packed! I only managed to squeeze in half for breakfast and had the rest for lunch.

I have Roasted Vegetable Lasagna in the oven for dinner tonight which I will have before work with some chicken. So I will post the recipe for that in the next few days!

PS I haven't done a WOD for the past couple days as my calves are still massively tight from the OPT Flight Simulator WOD!

Eat Healthy, Feel Healthy, Live Healthy! AKA NO COOKIES AMY!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. you can do it! i felt the same way, i just caved and ate some protein bars. resetting the body today!
