Sunday, February 27, 2011

Snowboarding, WODs and training for our trip to Iceland

Wow it has nearly been a month! Slack I know.. I have been slack with my blog and with my workouts too. I have been boarding a lot though which has been good as I have been heading out and riding powder which is so exhausting because I am still a learner so am forever digging myself out. I feel like a beached whale that cant move and by the time you finally stand up you fall over again because you have no energy left! Everyone waits for me so by the time I catch up to them they are like "OK lets go!" But I haven't had a rest yet!!!Massive workout! Have been getting out 3-5 times per week for 2-4hours each time so am not feeling as guilty for being slack with my CrossFit workouts. Aaron thinks otherwise..

But recently, Aaron and I have booked a tour with AnywhereFit to go to Iceland in August 2011 for a 10 day hike/tour/workout. We are very excited and have started training for the trail runs that will be included. I have included our first few trainings at the bottom of this post. I am quite nervous about the trip as I am not the greatest long distance runner. I hate running really. I am more of a sprinter.. So we have just over 5 months to change that.. I am also about the workouts that we will be doing. But it will be a great challenge and an amazing experience for Aaron and I to share together.

Tue 1.02.11
Pano Gym

- Warm Up -
Muaythai stretching
Worm Crawl

- Strength -
Squat Clean 1,1,1,1  Load 40,45,50(fail),50(PR)

- WOD -
50x Box Jump @20"
50x Rope Climb sub 25x Jumping Pull UPs
50x KB Swing @16kg sub DB swing
50x Sit Ups
50x HPC @30kg
800m run
50x Back extensions sub Good Morning @BW
Time: 21:00

Thu 3.02.11
Pano Gym

- 50 Pullup Program -
Pull up descents 2,7,5,5,7
2min rest b/w sets

Bench Press 5,3,3,1,1,1,1,2 Load 20,29,35,40,45,50(fail),50(fail),45

A rude shock at how shit I am at pull ups! I was SO tired after doing just descents only. Was really struggling to pull out 7 in a row. My lats killed for about 3 days after!
The only frustrating thing at the Pano Gym is that there are no small weights so it is hard to find your PR when you can only go up in 5kg increments. I am guessing my Bench Press 1RM will be somewhere in between 45 and 50 as I did 2RM @45kg.

Thu 10.02.11
Staff Common Room

- Warm Up -
Shoulder discl w/ PVC
Worm Crawl

- WOD -
6x HSPU sub right angle PU
12x K2E sub K2C
24x Burpees sub incline PU
48x Sit ups
96x Squats
48x Sit ups
24x Burpees sub incline PU
12x K2E sub K2C
6x HSPU sub right angle PU
Time: 10:24

Was pretty frustrated for this WOD. I had a snowboarding accident and hurt my shoulder. I think I suffered a concusion and had been suffering a stiff neck and migraines for several days so my head thumped constantly and I was doped up on Tylenol all the time.. Not fun..

Wed 17.02.11
Staff Common Room

- WOD -
Time: 9:01

Plus 2min onto my PR time. Pretty disappointed with that. Still recovering from snowboard fall. My muscles in my neck really hurt doing the sit ups and my rope kept getting caught on my trackpants which was VERY frustrating. Last time I wear them doing double unders!

Wed 23.02.11
Horsethief Parkade

- Warm Up -
500m run

- WOD -
20min AMRAP of:
1x 30m hill sprint (jog down - total of 60m)
2x 7m Bear Crawl
Score: 16rds+1 sprint+2 Bear Crawl+1HSPU

Pretty happy with this result. The cold really bites at your lungs though so it is hard to keep up the intensity with the burn and coughs. Enjoying our new workout spot though.. Heated carpark!
Aaron did beam scaling instead of bear crawls but I couldnt hold myself up. Way too much work on the forearms so that was a little annoying.

Thu 24.02.11
Horsethief Parkade

2km run
Time: 11:18

Max Double Unders in 2mins - 102(PR)

Starting to train for our AnywhereFit Iceland tour in August. First day we are doing a 23km trail run! We are starting out with low distances and gradually working our way up because we plan on doing it all on our Vibram FiveFingers so will be a killer on the calves. We took it at an easy pace for the 2km run. I hope to get around the 8-9min mark by June. We plan on doing a lot of beach running in California so that will hopefully strengthen our cardio as well with the uneven terrain.

Sun 27.02.11
Pano Gym

- Warm Up -
Shoulder disl w/ rope
Worm Crawl
OHS 5,5,5,5 Load 20,20,20,30
SDHP 5,5,5,5 Load 20,20,20,30

- WOD -
21,15,9 reps of:
SDHP @30kg
OHS @30kg
Time: 8:13

Pretty hard WOD off the CrossFit mainsite. I tired really quickly from the OHS, they definitely need work. I had an oly bar malfunction in my first set of SDHP where the spinning bit at the end of the bar that holds the weight spun off and made the bar uneven so I had to screw that back on.

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