Tuesday, March 8, 2011

HSPU PR and more Iceland training

Only 5 more weeks left at our ski resort in BC Canada! It has gone so fast! I cant believe we have been away from home for 5months already! I am really looking forward to our road trip through America in April. We are going to be visiting CrossFit boxes in Vancouver, Portland, San Francisco, Las Vegas and heaps more in California! Looking forward to collecting more shirts and meeting new CF enthusiasts.

My training this week has incorporated the Wendler 5,3,1 training. I am working off 1RM that I did back in November 2010 so I think my 1RM will be a bit heavier now but I will find out at the end of the training.

Thu 03.03.11
Pano Gym

- Warm Up -
2rds Official CF warm up

- Strength -
Back Squat 5,5,5+ Load - 39,45,50(20)

HSPU Practice - 5 Full ROM (PR)

- WOD -
21-15-9 reps of:
OHS (50% 1RM) @25kg
Time: 5:51

- Core -
3rds of:
10x K2C
20x Russian Twist @20kg

Starting 5,3,1 Wendler training now that I am only 5mins away from the gym. I could have done better on my back squats but my legs were still achy from  SDHP and OHS from Sunday.

Aaron and I practiced HSPU which was really good, finally getting not 1 Full ROM HSPU but 5!

Jeremy was a killer. The OHS went ok managing to pull out all reps without stopping. But you didnt notice how fatigued you were until you got into burpees and did a belly flop instead of a push up. Woops!

Horsethief Parkade

Run 2.5km
Time: 14:22

Still massively slow in my opinion but getting better. My calves only hurt a little bit in the days that followed where as I used to walk around like I had something stuck up my backside I was in that much pain..! So improvement on that part just need to work on the time! We will be doing a 3km run next week - increasing the distance by 500m every week.

Pano Gym

- Warm Up -
2 rds Official CF Warm Up
5x SP @10kg

- Strength -
Strict Press 5,5,5+ Load - 20,25,29(7)

- WOD -
4rds for time of:
7x Muscle Up sub jumping pull up
15x Deadlift @60kg
30x Walking lunge
Time: 16:50

Today I did my second exercise in my first attempt at the Wendler 5,3,1 training. Strict Press. I had to go heavier than my actual 65%, 75%, 85% because there aren't many weights available at the Pano Gym. It was supposed to be 19, 22, 25 so I am pretty happy that I got 7 reps @29kg. I hope I will be able to smash my 1RM of 32.5kg when I am done.
The WOD killed me.. I had to change the deadlift weight from 60kg to 50kg in round 3 as my form was suffering with a curved back and shoulders drooping forward. So I have a sore back today because of this error. Need to practice my deadlift technique more often. Hopefully my body feels better tomorrow for some 5,3,1 on deadlifts otherwise it will be bench press. Aaron kicked my arse for time. He managed to get just over 9mins and was lifting 100kg. Nice work! Its getting me a little more worried about the Iceland trip but I am getting to the gym more now as we live closer which is great!

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