Monday, December 13, 2010

Crave sugar and carbs much?

I have decided that being away from home actually makes the progression to Paleo easier.
Home = Routine = Cereal + Milk = Chocolate at work = Lemon Cheesecake and Potato bake at the folks place (I am getting so hungry talking about this!)
I am not in a routine yet which makes it easier to start a new one. I have found it easy to avoid cereal and milk and have been having bacon, egg, mushroom and tomato for breakfast or left overs from previous Paleo meals (tried them yet? How amazing are they?!) I also munch on some almonds occasionally with my breakfast.

Then I cook my amazing Paleo lunches then its tea time.... and I am usually working at Wildfire Restaurant with an amazing menu to choose from... last night I had lamb shanks. Super fatty but I had my asparagus, beetroot and capsicum which was good. There was some mash potato underneath my shank but I tried to avoid it as much as I could.. (maybe a little mouth full.. woops!) The night before I had Haddock which is a fish that tastes like snapper. This came with more damn mash potato and the same vegetables as the shank. Still getting my veggies, my protein and my good fats. Challenging, but it is amazing how you look at food now. I went out for a buffet lunch today and there was yummy mash potato and garlic pita bread and pasta salads.. The list goes on! Its crazy how much grains are out there and I would have never paid attention to it before! Evil grains....
I opted for some chicken curry, lettuce leaves (no dressing) and steamed vegetables. I watched people around me chow down on massive plates of hot chips with gravy and burgers... it made me feel a little sick actually.. weird hey?

Its only been a week but I feel great! My skin is improving and I haven't been bloated after any of my meals!!! I used to eat breakfast, get to work and be starving by 8:30am. Now I am satisfied until my next meal comes! I love it!

I am still having some mad sugar cravings but they will pass eventually.. its like going cold turkey with a drug addiction (not that I know what its like) but I am going mental! As nice as it tastes in your mouth, your body doesn't agree with you. I have to keep remembering that.

I did a WOD and a strength workout with Aaron at the resort gym this afternoon. It was pretty long and tiring and we were sharing an Olympic bar which was timely and everything is measured in pounds so we were constantly whipping out our calculator!

-Warm Up-
3rds of:
5x Strict Pull Up
10x Squat
10sec L-sit on hands

OHS 75% x5, 80% x5, 85% x5+
Load - 20,25,29(10)
Weighted Lunge 2x12
Load - 17,17
Deadlift 75% x5, 80% x5, 85% x5+
Load - 50,55,59(8)
Romanian Deadlift 3x10
Load - 45,45,45

10,9,8.....2,1 reps for time of:
KB 'American' Swing @ 16 sub DB 'Russian' Swing @ 17
Time: 6:01

Bolognese tonight! I will share my recipe with you tomorrow!

Eat Healthy, Feel Healthy, Live Healthy!

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